Hello I am using crunchbang plus plus on a dell/wyse 5470 thin client and I want to add a OpenBox menu item to turn on and off my wireguard vpn with the sudo wg-quick up wg0
and sudo wg-quick down wg0
currently I have
<menu id="menu-1473049" label="Wireguard">
<item label="VPN On">
<action name="Execute">
<command>wg-quick up wg0</command>
<item label="VPN Off">
<action name="Execute">
<command>wg-quick down wg0</command>
but nothing happens when I click them, also I tried with sudo in the command name and it didnt work either and Im not sure how it would ask for my password from a menu command? is this even possible?
You could configure sudo without password only for the wg-quick command. Not a beautiful solution and also not super easy to configure with sudo but it's an option. Much easier solution is to install doas or opendoas and leave sudo as it is. Let's assume your desktop user is named variants and in group variants, then putting the following in /etc/doas.conf is expected to work :
permit nopass :variants cmd wg-quick
If your user is not yet in a group, and you add a new group, remember that making such a change usually requires logging out and logging in again because the group changes become visible. Then test with
doas wg-quick up wg0