Article from 1999, referenced study likely from earlier.

The average American walks less than 75 miles a year - about 1.4 miles a week, barely 350 yards a day.

Thank you to for pointing this out.

Archive link:

    7 months ago

    Not the mentioned study, but still interesting.

    Adults reported taking an average of 5117 steps per day. Male gender, younger age, higher education level, single marital status, and lower body mass index were all positively associated with steps per day. Steps per day were positively related to other self-reported measures of physical activity and negatively related to self-reported measures on physical inactivity. Living environment (urban, suburban, or rural) and eating habits were not associated with steps per day.

    Important to note that study participants may not be reflective of the average American.

    Edit: 1 miles is apparently near 2,000 steps. (From another article which credited "researchers".)