
  • Star Wars Enjoyer
    5 months ago

    once again right-leaning proletariats show that they're still better than any Western politician.

    It's almost as though the people who actually live and work with certain things know more about it than liberal politicians. I would, of course, prefer if they'd use class consciousness and advocate for a leftwing solution to the green deal. But I can't really change reality.

      5 months ago

      these are farm owners not farm workers, i mean some are probably petite bourgeoisie, but most definitely not proletariats. These "farmers" are mad that Ukrainian economic integration into the EU will drive them out of business because Ukraine is such a large producer of agricultural goods and because their labor cost are lower, their complains are on par with people complaining about "them immigrants" coming over to take out jobs.

    • 小莱卡
      5 months ago

      Not really proletariats, farmers have ownership of production they're petit bourgeoisie. The thing is that current farmers are the losers of competition, the winners moved on to commerce grain / industry.