We steadfastly maintained that the real enemy and foremost danger was not Fascism, much less Mussolini the man, but rather the anti-fascism that Fascism – with all of its crimes and infamies – would have created. This anti-fascism would breathe life into that great poisonous monster, a great bloc comprising every form of capitalist exploitation, along with all of its beneficiaries: from the great plutocrats down to the laughable ranks of the half-bourgeois, intellectuals and the laity.

"We need to fight fascism by voting for these two New Jim Crow finance imperialists/prison slavers" read Marx, cancerous radlibs :amber:

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I'm pretty sure it's only used by us to describe people who call themselves anarchists but simp for the Democrats.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Should change it to anarcho-liberal for when Biden is gone, and because the word liberal is a genuine insult among the left. Those that don't get upset about being called it will out themselves to the real anarchists.