
  • I can't swallow an orange because of the texture.
  • I cannot wear laced shoes because of the sensation they give me.
  • I don't like wearing boxers, so I wear "women's" underwear, but I don't like that flap it has in the crotch so I always cut it out.
  • I feel deeply uncomfortable with the "female" button ups having the buttons on the wrong side, so even if I like the design I cannot fathom actually wearing them. (Sad, they frequently have much cooler designs.)
  • I am also extremely particular about the way I organize things, so I may move my furniture around a lot to maximize efficiency.
  • I feel uncomfortable wearing clothes with text printed on them, including brands, which makes me spend extraordinary amount of time trying to find affordable clothing without branding randomly slapped on.
  • I also feel uncomfortable wearing shirts with prints on them, excluding some geometrical patterns.
  • I feel deeply uncomfortable wearing clothes which aren't strictly very dark.
  • I get extremely anxious when I own something I have no use for, which makes me very anxious for receiving gifts.
  • I find "masculine" cosmetic scents and "feminine" cosmetic scents very overwhelming and have to dedicate time to seeking out stuff which's smell won't upset me. I don't mind them on other people, but for me they make me uncomfortable, even though I like them. They're very, very overwhelming...

Probably more.

I hope to hear back from you to feel normaler.

  • sappho [she/her]
    7 months ago

    Oh gosh I really dislike sparkling water as well! Anything carbonated really. It feels like my tongue is being stabbed in a million places at once

    Yeah it seems impossible to find a glass water bottle that isn't also part plastic... I'm lucky that it doesn't bother me too much.

    That thick line on the toes is the part that gets me too! The ones I use currently technically have a seam there but it's completely flush/flat so it doesn't bother me. The brand is Buster Brown