There is no way they aren't just straight up going to come for us.

Edit:For Cis comrades, spread the word and emphasize the seriousness of this to everyone you can. Making sure people actually know about this is the most important thing as the majority of people just dont know anything or pay attention.

  • x8vmte4nhf7joq7p [any]
    2 years ago

    Not exactly, but kinda--she was granted residency on humanitarian grounds. Besides the transphobic abuse she experienced in the UK, the other major factor was that her family was all living in either NZ or Australia, so she would be returning to an abusive environment with no support.

    Weirdly, it's not laid out in the article, but looking at (PDF warning, also contains descriptions of transphobic abuse) the tribunal's actual decision it seems her visa had expired and she was to be deported. That article also mentions that NZ is accepting an increasing number of refugees on the basis of "sexual and gender orientation." All of the cases mentioned are outside the Anglosphere, but if conditions continue to deteriorate it doesn't seem unreasonable to think they'd consider Americans as well.