Good video on cognitive dissonance


october 7th was a horrific terrorist attack

LIB moment

  • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
    1 year ago

    I mostly just know she does some stage shit in London, idk the quality of it

    • theposterformerlyknownasgood
      1 year ago

      She did a play called "The Prince", which I don't know a lot about. The summary I heard, partially from Abigail herself, was that it was Hamlet but Hamlet finds out he's in a play halfway through. I haven't watched it, since it was only available as a stage performance or on nebula. That was her last big project that she would try to sell people on.
      Her newest project is short film called Dracula's Ex-Girlfriend which is a short film (Not a play).

      Edited out some criticism, it wasn't necessary.