China bad China bad China bad China bad China bad China bad

Top tier quote: "US international peacekeeping forces" lmao

But at least he talks about how the US permanently needs some enemy.

  • BatCountryMusicFan [he/him]
    2 years ago

    It's easy to be critical of the actions of imperial powers if your viewpoint inherently holds these powers to be the dominant forces in the world, beyond any real challenge. Now China is emerging as a viable usurper to 500 years of Euro-American global dominance and lo and behold, all these good-take-havers suddenly wring their hands over all its mistakes and wrongdoings, like all those western imperial powers haven't spent centuries doing worse.

    It's almost as if they prefer a Euro-American-dominated world because it allows them to eternally pose as the cool truth-telling rebels against the system while still benefitting from that system's exploitation. What will they be, if suddenly the big bad global power actually is commitedly socialist?