The Constitution of the Republic of Cuba, approved by popular referendum, on April 10, 2019 defines it as:
"Unique, Martiano, Fidelist and Marxist-Leninist, organized vanguard of the Cuban nation, sustained by its democratic character and permanent link with the people, it is the superior leading political force of society and the State."
The most immediate historical antecedent of the formation of the Communist Party of Cuba is to be found in the broad unifying process that took place in 1961 with the formation of the Integrated Revolutionary Organizations (ORI), which constituted the first step towards the creation of the unitary political instrument of the Revolution; formed by the 26th of July Revolutionary Movement, led by Fidel Castro, founder of the Rebel Army and initiator of the last stage of the revolutionary struggle; the Popular Socialist Party (PSP) (Communist) whose secretary general was Blas Roca and the Revolutionary Directorate March 13, led by Commander Faure Chomón.
After a few months of life, an analysis was made of the achievements of integration and of the errors of sectarianism on the part of members of the leadership of the ORI. On March 26, 1962, a new stage in the construction of a party began, which from that date was called the United Party of the Socialist Revolution of Cuba (PURSC).
Thus began the construction of the bases of the Party, according to the principle of a rigorous and individual selection and based on consultation with the workers. The concepts and the method to be applied to constitute the grassroots organizations were specified from that moment on.
On October 3, 1965, the first Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) was constituted, in the solemn act in which Fidel Castro read the farewell letter of Ernesto Che Guevara, who was one of the inspirers of the creation of a Party, a living example and vanguard organization of the Revolution, given the degree of development of the political-ideological conscience of the Cuban people.
Among its fundamental objectives is the struggle to consolidate a new morality in Cuban society, based on the ideology of the Revolution, solidarity, equality and social justice, mutual trust, conscious discipline, modesty, honesty, critical and self-critical spirit, confidence in the socialist future; Consequently, it resolutely combats the exploitation of man by man, individualism, the survival of racial and discriminatory prejudices of any kind, skepticism, lack of faith in socialism, defeatism, opportunism, simulation and double standards, indiscipline, corruption and all forms of criminal and antisocial behavior.
The Communist Party of Cuba bases its activity on the principle of democratic centralism, giving the utmost importance to the real and effective articulation of conscious discipline with the broadest internal democracy, the exercise of collective leadership and individual responsibility, ensures full freedom of discussion and opinion and the unity of action of its bodies and organizations; stimulates and supports creative and anti-dogmatic thinking and the exercise of constructive criticism.
In the Party all the positions are elective, without exception, and from the base to the Central Committee, prior to their election, they go through consultation with the masses, both in the work center where the candidates work as well as in their place of residence, for which the assemblies of the labor collective or other meetings called for that purpose are used; the data and the revolutionary trajectory of these comrades are published on murals or in local newspapers or other means, so that any worker or citizen of the place in question can express to the base organizations or Party bodies any type of opinion or objection, which is taken into account at the time of definitively approving the corresponding candidacies.
In the assemblies for the election of exemplary workers, which are held in the workplaces, in which the workers propose and elect those who according to their criteria meet the conditions to be processed with a view to their entry into the Party, we have one of the most important and valuable experiences in the struggle to achieve, in the concrete historical conditions, a Party of quality and closely linked to the popular masses that ensure the purity of its ranks.
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