In a post-apocalyptic world hundreds of years in the future, the few survivors start developing their own culture. There are places of worship in every town.
In these places one - even the young - :liberalism:
It’s to honor their god - Clinton they call it - that is all powerful yet does nothing with said power. This is virtue in their culture.
However, great animosity is shown towards the most evil of all demons - punished Bernie. He broke the golden rule, he wanted to use his power to make a small incremental change.
His delusional followers are called Bernie bros.
In a post-apocalyptic world hundreds of years in the future, the few survivors start developing their own culture. There are places of worship in every town.
In these places one - even the young - :liberalism:
It’s to honor their god - Clinton they call it - that is all powerful yet does nothing with said power. This is virtue in their culture.
However, great animosity is shown towards the most evil of all demons - punished Bernie. He broke the golden rule, he wanted to use his power to make a small incremental change. His delusional followers are called Bernie bros.
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