that's actually fairly easy when you piggyback the inane Jungian garbage on some generic self help advice that has a proven track record of being mildly successful in alleviating depressive symptoms. if you'd cut out the reactionary propaganda, 12 Rules for Life would be ok as a self help book. if you have somebody to platform you extensively, to give you the reach to expose enough kids to that, it'll help some of them to get their shit together. Not many, certainly not most - something as simple as "clean your room and stand up straight with your shoulders back" isn't anywhere near sufficient when you're seriously depressed, but if you're just a bit off, if you just need a few tricks to better manage your symptoms, that can work. At least for a while. Then you have somebody who "was saved by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson" and he'll tell all his online friends how kermit the fraud cured him.
that's actually fairly easy when you piggyback the inane Jungian garbage on some generic self help advice that has a proven track record of being mildly successful in alleviating depressive symptoms. if you'd cut out the reactionary propaganda, 12 Rules for Life would be ok as a self help book. if you have somebody to platform you extensively, to give you the reach to expose enough kids to that, it'll help some of them to get their shit together. Not many, certainly not most - something as simple as "clean your room and stand up straight with your shoulders back" isn't anywhere near sufficient when you're seriously depressed, but if you're just a bit off, if you just need a few tricks to better manage your symptoms, that can work. At least for a while. Then you have somebody who "was saved by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson" and he'll tell all his online friends how kermit the fraud cured him.
kermit the fraud that's beautiful