Feels weird to post this here but I have some praxis to endorse.

SM is a volunteer moving service that helps women in abusive/unsafe situations get out by physically moving (and if need be, store and/or help pack) their belongings to new housing.

The moves are completely free to clients.

Domestic abuse rates shot up during COVID and subsequently the service has launched chapters in ON, BC, NS, NB and in Montreal (and possibly others in the pipeline or that I am forgetting). As far as I am aware this is the only org of its kind in Canada and I've been told the concept is being launched in some other countries as well.

Anyway, I've done a fair bit of different types of volunteer work in my time and this has been by far the most rewarding (and, given the physical and sometimes emotional nature of the work, demanding/challenging). I am lucky enough that I get to take some time to not be working, and it's how I spend a lot of that time. (I've done about 70 of these moves.)

There is also a lot of need for administrative/support ppl if lifting and carrying stuff is not for you.

SM is not a revolutionary organization but it does enable you to help fellow humans, many/most in significant distress, in a pretty direct way, and also tbh a very good way to meet non-assholes Not On The Internet in your area.

If anyone has any questions msg me or ask em here