:gamer-gulag: :joker-gaming: :gamer-gulag:
Last WayBack Machine scan: https://web.archive.org/web/20220509134954/https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/76484
Post announcing it: https://hexbear.net/post/193034
The author of the "Fallout New Vegas" radio collection 'The Follow Through - Follower's and Radical's Radio' informed me their mod was removed with very thin and slimy pretexts involving "not having permission" to share songs that were - get this - written by blacklisted communists. Many of the songs are about having their work repressed and the need to have a shared and free voice. Notwithstanding the fact the mod description and credits were filled out with disclaimants and credits to the artists.
Anyone else think this could wreak of bullshit?
Take a look at any of the other radio mods uploaded on Nexus - especially the popular ones like uuuuhhhh... https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35061
What's the difference, other than 1: many lacking any form of credit toward the artist and 2: SO MANY being packed with anti-communist songs, flair and rhetoric? ... Very little. One mod that was quite a bit less polished and also decides not to elaborate more on its ideas even shares many songs that the now-deleted playlist did: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/72987
The mod author plans to receive permission from the estates of the song writers and reupload the mod. Failing this, it will be shared anywhere possible. Please advise if there is anywhere it could be shared. They worked quite hard on it and it being removed for shitty reasons like this is heartbreaking to me...
But not at all unexpected. Gamers and moderators as a rule (when not ideologically minded) are absolutely doused in a hotbed of ideas that have them feeling incredibly empowered to do wank shit like this. Furthermore, Nexus actively profits from cultivating a toxic culture in no small part with many sexist and otherwise misogynist, dodgy, fetishistic "perfectly acceptable" modification files. Obviously this perpetuates the shitty unexamined ideologies and keeps the cycle rolling.
See the below Drive link to download the mod. Advise if there is a better way/place to share. Please share it wherever you like as well: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12w58oFVP99dWE1Ay7vxELPTwzYuhjndY?usp=sharing
If you don't care for the mod itself, the folder in question contains the songs as MP3s a couple levels in for your enjoyment - unnamed, but you can see the playlist in the WayBackMachine link.
Was going to comment "post it on loverslab lol" before reading
I guess it wouldn't be that funny : :sicko-wistful:
that said, LL has quite a collection of SFW banned-from-the-Nexus mods, and pretty much all of the most knowledgeable modders, despite the site's main focus being uhhh :volcel-judge:
:geordi-no: People are only motivated by money
:geordi-yes: People are only motivated by being horny
I'm horny for communism