Hi everyone! A day later than usual this week with the holiday and all. Got anything fun and exciting going on you want to share? Anything especially good happen to you lately?

Remember you are loved! :stalin-heart:

For my own part, tour is fully booked for august/sept now, and even more exciting - I HAVE NOT TAKEN A SINGLE MILLIGRAM OF PHENIBUT SINCE LAST FRIDAY! You are all welcome to join me in flexing on Jordan Peterson here, as its not often I get to flex on anyone. Anecdotally (since there arent any good studies), this weekend could be hell for me as it takes about a full week for WDs to ramp up, but fuck that I've got this.

  • jwsmrz [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    I'm doing pretty good. I got a new job which seems pretty fine so far and it's a big relief to feel less unstable financially. I'm hoping I can save some money to take my partner on a surprise trip in the winter since they've been so supportive.

    It's pride month so hopefully there are some fun parties

    My dog is working hard at her training, every day is a battle but she's doing her best and it's not her fault she had a terrible life as a stray before getting a family.

    I stopped picking / biting my nails out of anxiety and now they're long and gorgeous and easy to paint

    My partner is working at a gender clinic as of recent and is finding it fulfilling to aid in zapping people with the bimbofication / chadification ray gun