Love to be reduced down to something that exists to become dead, Elizabeth. God, I remember assholes being like, "Bernie just talked about M4A and Liz Warren showed real empathy". Motherfucker, Liz Warren's empathy will not get me even one second of safety. I can live without solemn ceremony when someone like me is killed by this society. I cannot live without healthcare.
But we exist in their minds to become a tool and a corpse, not a vital, living person just like them.
Love to be reduced down to something that exists to become dead, Elizabeth. God, I remember assholes being like, "Bernie just talked about M4A and Liz Warren showed real empathy". Motherfucker, Liz Warren's empathy will not get me even one second of safety. I can live without solemn ceremony when someone like me is killed by this society. I cannot live without healthcare.
But we exist in their minds to become a tool and a corpse, not a vital, living person just like them.