Digging it so far. Love me a bunch of shirtless dudes tripping balls.

  • Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I loved the movie. Funny thing though, I follow this British academic/reenactor on YouTube, and he also liked the movie. He especially liked it because the movie goes out of its way to replicate material and social culture of the Viking Age in a way that, according to him, no other movie or TV show has done. But his biggest complaint was that there was too much violence. And I was reading through the comment section of his Northman review video, and most of them were echoing that complaint.

    What's funny about that is that there honestly wasn't as much violence as I thought there would be. It's a violent film, but I've seen far more violent films. I'm not sure if it was even as violent as your average episode of Game of Thrones. You could have doubled the amount of violence in the same runtime and I probably wouldn't notice. I'm not sure if that's an American vs. Brit thing or if it's just that my personal tastes run towards hyperviolence.

    Link to the review video for anyone curious. Fair warning though, it's half an hour long.