Sources like RFA and NK Daily are pretty transparent in being funded by the CIA/NED. However, NK News claims to not have any government funding, despite the fact that most of the articles they put out are almost as bogus as those from NK Daily. Does anyone have good information on who's behind NK News and why they make Pro-USA propaganda?

    4 months ago

    Afaik it's just private donation so they can stay "independent", but it's probably mostly NED.

      4 months ago

      Kind of like Partisan Review, the Trotskyite magazine that was covertly funded by the CIA. (Susan Sontag's horrendous essays on fascism, that basically argue physical fitness + people working together = literally Hitler, were published there). The US government and ruling class has its finger in a lot of the so-called independent media.

    4 months ago

    just use or

    or just search pages with .kp domain for good measure

      4 months ago

      I read DPRK news daily, I know how to access it. I'm just asking about NK News's motives. Also, I'm pretty sure uriminzokkiri got taken down after Kim Jong-Un abandoned the unification policy.

        4 months ago

        I haven't read NK News in a few years, but my sense is it's a western-funded outlet. Basically aligned with US government interests, but tries to be more "academic" and less sensational than, say, Yeonmi Park on any given day. They ran an article once about how some of the more egregious errors in western reporting on the DPRK stem from gross mistranslations of Korean. That should tell you the stance they take: "north Korea is bad, but we need to be professional and avoid needless fearmongering, otherwise people might stop taking American policy re. the Korean peninsula seriously."