This is what he is now publicly admitting to, which means whatever he actually did is far worse

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    3 years ago

    there's two things to keep in mind here:

    • this story has the potential to blow up waaaaaay worse than the floyd protests if the feds do not immediately make it clear that the pigs are gonna get roasted. from the perspective of the dem leadership, this is crucial for the midterms as well, as they will not be able to pass meaningful gun control laws. so they need this as a win. these hogs will be bacon before November.

    • may be cliché or tv brain, but i'm under the impression that a lot of :fedposting: look down on normal cops. it wouldn't surprise me that, all class solidarity aside, the dudes in langley view the dudes in uvalde as treat-stuffed mall ninjas. given that punishing the pigs is a matter of keeping the peace this summer and that FBI is one of the more dem-leaning agencies, i'd say there's no reason they'd interfere with plans to sacrifice uvalde police to pacify a restive public.