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  • nohaybanda [he/him]
    3 年前

    I've gone strong on nuclear every single game with little issue. The decision to dangle "free energy" techs before you and then deny them is, I think, a really powerful rhetorical device. The game is saying to not depend on silver bullet solutions that are perpetually 30 years in the future, and instead implement the best available means right now.

    On the vegan thing, I've never not done it in my games because its such an obvious (to me) necessity. If we want to restore wild habbitatas and reverse extinction we simply cannot rely on animal calories to help feed ~10 billion people. And that's completely ignoring the moral dimension of the matter.

    That said, if you start the lab meat in the first year, then speed it up by 2 in the second planning session, it will be available in the 3rd. This is one of those really easy gets which can allow you to go, like, 50-50 on lab + free range and get fairly strong eco gains. It's also perfectly feasible to go vegetarian mandate and leave it at that. But again, why?