EDIT: i now see the glaring problem with this thread- it assumes proletarians (white ones especially) are mostly reactionary and won't advocate for their own class interests. further, he only addresses two types of americans, the radlib and the white reactionary. this thread is almost entirely unhelpful to people on this site who are in neither category and consistently fight back against libs and reactionaries alike.

also the term "synthetic left" was coined by calep maupin, a patsoc and genuinely revolting person

a better tweet than this would have been "radlibs appropriate the struggles of marginalized people to distract from the struggle of the working class, but the material conditions of the working class are affected by structures like racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, etc. 1/2" "Therefore a mass communist movement must focus on improving the material conditions of the lower classes, but especially to those most oppressed under capitalism"

this was quite the struggle session

Thank you to everyone who shared their input, you guys are the best :soviet-heart: communism will win, love you all

PS read some Mao

  • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I don't have the energy to debunk this whole thing as Ive been up almost 24 hrs( resetting my sleep schedule) but people's the term "synthetic left" literally comes from the Larouche movement which I'm amazed more people haven't read about. One of the strongest and most dangerous fascist movements in American history at the hieght of it's power in the 80's. Seriously read about the history of National Socialism and Fascism and you should be able to see clearly that this is literally fascist agitprop. Come on people. ( I disagree with many things this guy wrote like his views on Syria but all of you should read this 5 part essay seriously . Don't get caught up in this kinda shit.


    • drinkinglakewater [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Wow I've heard the name but didn't know the specifics. Definitely Big Yikes, that for sharing

      • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Read the whole thing ( again don't agree with some of the first couple paragraphs of this series and other stuff he wrote) but as shit like this is popping up more everyone should be reading this. And your welcome (: !

    • blobjim [he/him]
      3 years ago

      lol what in the world is that email they embedded in the article.