The Hidden Leaf Village lay in ruins, buildings crumbled and streets streaked with blood. Naruto knelt in the center of the devastation, his orange jumpsuit tattered and stained crimson. Bodies of shinobi and civilians alike surrounded him - people he had fought beside, laughed with, people he once called friends.

Sasuke stood across from him, Sharingan eyes blazing. "This is the only way to achieve true peace," the last Uchiha growled. "To burn everything to the ground and start anew."

Naruto clenched his fists, sharp tremors running through his body. The Nine-Tailed Fox's chakra bubbled just beneath his skin, responding to his anguish. "You've gone too far this time, Sasuke. I won't let you hurt anyone else!"

With a feral roar, Naruto unleashed the demon's power. His teeth elongated into fangs, his nails extended into claws, and a cloak of fiery orange chakra enveloped him. He charged at his former friend, all rational thought consumed by rage.

The two shinobi clashed in a storm of fists, kicks, and jutsu. Craters formed in the ground with each earth-shattering impact. Buildings crumbled under the shockwaves of their power. But they were too evenly matched, decades of friendship and rivalry making them know each other's moves too well.

It wasn't until Naruto landed a glancing blow with a Rasengan that the tide began to turn. Sasuke's defense faltered for just a moment, allowing Naruto to follow up with a flurry of blows infused with the Fox's chakra.

Sasuke went down hard, coughing up blood. His Susanoo flickered in and out of existence as he struggled to maintain it. Naruto stalked toward him, cloak of chakra swirling, eyes burning red with the demon's fury.

"I'm ending this once and for all," the jinchuuriki snarled. One final Rasengan formed in his hand, shining with brilliant blue light.

Sasuke glared defiantly up at him. "Do it then, you fool. Prove yourself just as much of a monster as I am."

Naruto's steps faltered, doubt and decades of friendship flickering in his mind. Could he really strike down his closest friend, his brother in all but blood?

That moment of hesitation was all Sasuke needed. There was a blur of movement, a flash of lightning, and then agonizing pain. Sasuke's Chidori plunged straight through Naruto's chest.

The Rasengan winked out. Sasuke twisted the lightning blade, his face twisted into a cold sneer. "I told you I'd severe those bonds."

Naruto's vision swam in and out of focus. His chakra cloak flickered and died as his lifeblood drained away. He slumped to his knees, mouth working but no sound coming out.

"Don't worry," Sasuke said, pulling his hand free with a wet squelch. "I'll make sure to finish what you started. A world of my dream, born from your sacrifice."

With those final mocking words, the last Uchiha turned and began walking away, leaving his former friend to die alone, surrounded by the corpses of everyone he loved.

Tears mingled with blood as Naruto watched Sasuke's receding back. All his hopes, his dreams of becoming Hokage and achieving peace, they were all ashes. As his eyes dimmed, one final thought went through his mind.

I'm sorry, Sakura. I couldn't save him. I...I couldn't save any of you...