I was always under the impression that Gorbachev was a naïve optimist who tried to reform the USSR too rapidly, but failed. So how exactly did he screw up and how could the USSR have been saved?

  • DJMSilver [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It was probably impossible to save the Soviet Union. The soviet Union couldnt keep up with production levels of western countries and outsourcing to china made it too competiive. Even if the soviet union survived, it would have been a shell of its former self (the referendum people used for to show that it was 'illegally' dissolved would have just put their country in more liberal terms and would have likely legalized private owenership). Gorbachev was very successful at overthrowing the dictatorship of the proletariat and letting the entire country be looted.

    https://www.noemamag.com/how-china-avoided-soviet-style-collapse/ you would probably like this article. my answer is very cynical compared to the others so it might be an appreciated alternative perspecitve.