The news from Denmark made me think back on the shit that went down in Norway 11 years ago, and holy fuck-

You had a roided up thumb failson calling himself a Knight Templar and fancying himself as a protector of white Christendom blowing up bombs near a government building in the capital to distract from his intended target, a summer camp for the youth wing of the local soc dem party held on a nearby island where he went around shooting and killing 70+ children like fish in a barrel dressed as a policeman.

Like no, he didn't attack government officials or politicians only targeting government buildings as a feint* he specifically wanted to kill children who he thought were communists

*His primary target was apparently the former leader of the dem soc party who had left the island by the time he arrived


I seem to remember that Breivik claimed he was part of some larger "Templar" organisation, whatever happened to that thread 👁️

Also, the whole incident was a bit awkward for every anti-Muslim cryptofash "immigration critical" politician and """"intellectual"""" in Europe as he had basically quoted every single one of them in his manifesto

  • thekid [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    I don't know how much detail they went into on this one in the US. I didn't really realize how wild it was til I saw a documentary on it a few months ago. dude bombed downtown as a decoy and then hunted children down on an island.

    • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      And somehow assumed it would spark some kind of white Christian revolt against the islamo-marxist cabal

        • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          most fascists are pretty comfortable so they have no interest in putting that comfortability in jeopardy

          Which is why so far all of these attacks have been done by alienated -in many cases very young- saddos and not guys with jobs and families. Even in America where well-to-do fascist assholes are emboldened enough to gather in large numbers to LARP in public wearing expensive tacticool gear and where they enjoy full collusion from law enforcement they never do anything that would land them in trouble