the people who "look down on the West" have increased to 41.7 percent

  • CheGueBeara [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Ah, and you've yet again avoided engaging with what I said to just be dismissive, lol. I quote you and engage at length with explanations and your brain goes, "hey fuck you why are you contradicting me?"

      • CheGueBeara [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I've actually said what I want very clearly, it's in those comments above that you've ignored and deflected.

        Do you see why I am not convinced by a self-defense / attempt to say where we have common ground? You haven't even recognized that you've been deflecting, trying to troll, trying to shift burdens, generally just acting like this is a fight you need to win rather than engage in any self-crit.

        I can give you two examples of what it would look like to demonstrate good faith:

        1. Do the actual self-crit of recognizing these shitty behaviors that many folks have pointed out. Self-evident behaviors you've avoided recognizing by doubling down on them. Saying that you're actually a good critical supporter who gets called tankie is saying, "I'm an ally, actually" even though I've already told you why your behavior means you're not a comrade. Something else you deflected, by the way.

        2. Return to the topics from which you deflected and attempt to really engage. I think you made a struggle to do this by asking me what "my" definition of chauvinism was, but it was asked condescendingly so fuck man, what do you expect?

        I'm describing the shit you did and things we've all seen among internet libs. If you do anything irl, I hope you don't act like this, and I hope you can do the self-crit needed to avoid this form of liberalism, which is fundamentally grounded in egos.

          • CheGueBeara [he/him]
            2 years ago

            I talk to libs of all stripes all the time. Had one condescendingly tell me all about how "we have to protect Ukraine" last week, lol. I'm also talking to one right now.

            Let me know when you're ready to stop posting your Ls and can actually engage with us.

              • CheGueBeara [he/him]
                2 years ago

                “Talk to” aka name-called and condescended.

                I've been very patient with you, actually, and have explained at length what is wrong with your behavior. Most people won't do this for you and will just cringe and move on.

                Anyways, name-calling: yeah duh. What do you do with ignorant trolls that act like a baby when they get called out?

                Condescending: sure why not I mean if I'm telling you what's what and that you're being shitty I'm sure there's some way that counts at condescension, but get a grip. Do I need to remind you how you acted towards several comrades around here?

                Yeah you’re a real good talker. I bet you win over lots of allies.

                Yes I recruit and radicalize people all the time, actually. Why do you think I'm going zero tolerance on you? Your behavior is what turns people away, I have to fight this egocentric liberalism all the time in orgs.

                  • CheGueBeara [he/him]
                    2 years ago

                    Yes you say many dumb things to avoid dealing with what I - and others - say to you. Constantly trying to rationalize away the criticisms, deflect, throw them back even when they don't make sense. Like I said before - it's like arguing with a little kid.

                    You will need to deal with this someday if you're ever going to actually help out irl.

                    "Fruitlessly" is a great self-own though, thanks for that.

                    • zxcvbnm [he/him]
                      2 years ago

                      You don't say anything at all. You haven't once.

                      • CheGueBeara [he/him]
                        2 years ago

                        Proud of you, kid. Completely detaching from reality to avoid doing self-crit.

                          • CheGueBeara [he/him]
                            2 years ago

                            You mean replying to you? If you want to say you're a lost cause to right ahead.

                            This reminds me of when I used to try to convince young earth creationists of basic contradictions and they'd cover their insecurity with trolling. In the end they'd frequently try to act like even paying attention to them in any way was actually getting owned, lol.

                            Unhealthy, cowardly, and in any left space, purely counterproductive.

                              • CheGueBeara [he/him]
                                2 years ago

                                Irl, most people acting like you would've shut the fuck up after a few people called them out. The time to convince such a person would be afterwards in a private conversation where you acknowledge where they're coming from, explain where others are coming from, smile and commiserate, and give some advice.

                                This is a commie internet forum and you're incredibly defensive to the point of trolling. I have no expectation of convincing your, but maybe someday the cognitive dissonance will be enough that you'll do the self-crit that we need you to do.

                                  • CheGueBeara [he/him]
                                    2 years ago

                                    The truth comes out. You just want to bully me into stfu.

                                    If I wanted that I'd ignore you lol. You already shut up in the rest of the thread. Everybody gave up on you.

                                    You might want to read what I said again.

                                    I told you where I’m coming from. You kept frothing.

                                    Yes I responded to that and you avoided what I said for what's probably the 30th time now. Deflecting from a topic only to return to it to claim a victory is also not new or interesting behavior from someone going down your path.

                                    You want purity and simplicity instead critical thinking.

                                    I'm not the one shying away from criticism here, lol. And who knows what you're talking about with "purity".

                                    Maybe you’re just not bright enough to see what you’re actually doing.


                                      • CheGueBeara [he/him]
                                        2 years ago

                                        For you to do self-crit or stop disrupting our spaces with ignorant chauvinist shit.

                                        I have low expectations, but am also very patient.

                                          • CheGueBeara [he/him]
                                            2 years ago

                                            You're telling yourself little stories again, inventing an absurd fiction with no resemblance to reality. You're also continuing that little baby habit of parroting my accusations regardless of how little sense it makes. I've responded to you at length and specifically to nearly everything you've said while you played at trolling and avoided what I said.

                                            You are still doing it. Right now.

                                              • CheGueBeara [he/him]
                                                2 years ago

                                                Nope, I enjoy productive good faith disagreements. It's a good way to learn, spread knowledge, and create new forms of solidarity.

                                                I reject your in-no-way-original shenanigans, which aren't exclusively about the chauvinist shit you tried to stir in particular, but revolve around your approach to disagreement among people you'd like to think are your allies. I'm not exactly alone in recognizing this behavior and you've never acknowledged even the accusation once. What you've done instead is prove it true by deflecting or ignoring the accusation itself, lol. Digging hole after rhetorical hole for yourself with no chance to ever find a coherent way out except more and more self-crit.

                                                You're really making things hard on yourself.

                                                  • CheGueBeara [he/him]
                                                    2 years ago

                                                    ignoring what accusation, that i’m a reddit lib?

                                                    That you're acting in bad faith. That's one of the versions, sure.

                                                    what else am i supposed to do with that drivel?

                                                    Engage with it and ask what people are talking about if you don't understand. Do you think your childish response is and was the only option? lol

                                                      • CheGueBeara [he/him]
                                                        2 years ago

                                                        A shrill mix of baby and parrot noises is heard on the side threads of hexbear dot net.

                                                        Their message: "I'll never self-crit"

                                              • CheGueBeara [he/him]
                                                2 years ago

                                                Yes, I've had to repeat myself a lot. Like I said, I'm very patient.