"Love the people, hate the government"

  • raven [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I unironically and uncritically support China blatantly ripping off western IP… which appears to have been open source anyway?

    Comment from that thread: "They view the world as a zero sum game. It isnt a situation where we all work together and iron sharpeneth iron kind of thing. They see outside advancements as simply something to be plundered and nothing offered in return for it." Lol. LMAO. The west sees any resource, idea, or labor that no one is asking monetary compensation for as "valueless" and theirs for the taking. "Sure we can take these peoples' lands, they weren't doing anything with it anyway!" Except in this case it isn't someone's home where they live and their ancestors lived, it's a design for a trinket.