Pathfinder 2e is the second edition of the fantastic table top roleplaying game Pathfinder:

Pathfinder roleplaying game provides everything you need to set out into a world of limitless fantasy adventure! Choose from ancestries like elf, human, and goblin and classes like alchemist, fighter, and sorcerer to create a hero of your own design, destined to become a legend! The new Pathfinder rules are easier to learn and faster to play, and they offer deeper customization than ever before!

Six heroic player character ancestries, including elf, dwarf, gnome, goblin, halfling, and human, with variant heritages for half-elf and half-orc!

More than 30 backgrounds like bartender, soldier, or apprentice to further immerse yourself in your hero's backstory!

Twelve character classes, including the alchemist, barbarian, bard, champion, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, and wizard!

Hundreds and hundreds of spells, class feats, and other exciting abilities to help you customize your character to become the hero YOU envision her to be!

Streamlined and revised rules to help ease new players into the game while providing the depth of character options and tactical interest that have defined Pathfinder from the beginning!

Written by: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter

Not only is Pathfinder 2e inclusive of many different genders and sexualitiies they have used a background system to eliminate the racial tropes that are problematic in Dungeons & Dragons.


Shelyn encourages love that isn't limited by gender, or structures or norms of relationships, other than "sharing in passions and love". She is in a polyamorous relationship with the goddesses Desna, and Sarenrae.

Arshea both none and all genders (not sure what the word for that would be). "... a champion of the repressed and weary, providing mortals deliverance from their bonds." Encourages free love and sexuality, and worshippers often explore genders to "overcome repression and understand freedom" and to find the one that suits them.

Gozreh has two forms. One male, and one female. His male form is associated with the sky storm, and wind. Her female form is associated with the sea.

Alseta goddess of transitions. Apart from doors and portals and such, it also includes stages of life. Birthday, marriage and transitions to a more fitting body.


Shardra Geltl (iconic shaman) is a dwarven trans woman (The amor-clad dwarf, to the left of the banner)

Kyra (iconic cleric) is a lesbian human

Merisiell (iconic rogue) is a bisexual elf (got married to Kyra in Iconic Encounter: Of Wasps and Whispers, which was published in pride month last year. Picture in the middle of the banner)

Zova (iconic shifter) is an aromantic human

Seltyiel (iconic magus) possibly a bisexual or gay half-elf (missing source for confirmation)

Mio (iconic thaumaturge) is a non-binary human


Rexus Victocora, a trans man (From Hell's Bright Shadow adventure path).

Keren Rhinn girlfriends with the gnome Zae (from the book Pathfinder Tales: Gears of Faith)

Il'setsya Wyrmtouched, a ganzi tiefling trans woman. Married to Astrid Noxamilla.

Clarethe Iomedar nonbinary human (Lost Omens: Character Guide p. 92)

Kalabrynne Iomedar strongly suggested to be a trans woman (human) (Lost Omens: Legends p. 66)

Morlibint human wizard with a husband

Runa Frostleaf, agender human druid (Tarnbreaker's Trail senario)

Oluf and Leif, a married apparently celebrating their wedding anniversary. Congratz to them! (Tarnbreaker's Trail senario)

Irabeth Tirabade (Wrath of the Righteous, LO: Legends p. 52-53), a lesbian half-orc, and her wife Anevia Tirabade (WotR, LO:Legends p. 52-53), a human lesbian trans woman.

Sosiel Vaenic, a gay (possibly bi in the Owlcat Game) human cleric (WotR), as is his partner Aron Kir, a gay human rogue

Hao Jin aka. The Ruby Phoenix, is an asexual human

Fist of the Ruby Phoenix. Comment was marked spoiler, so I will do the same: General Kaso Hida and Lord Aldanar Unmar, a divoced gay couple

Filarina Grantsliem Filarina Grantsliem, a human trans woman who used a girdle of opposite gender to inflitrate the Gray Maidens, and decided to stay a woman after leaving the Gray Maidens. She's in a romantic relationship with Kelles Vel, a lesbian human

Sabina Merrin, a lesbian human, a lover of Queen Ileosa Arabasti, a bisexual human woman

The Anadis race has 'web marriage' which is polyamorous marriages with gruops that are usually 3 to 5 members

J. Dacilane (the NPC on the cover of The Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy) is a trans man

Ceyannan, an asexual angel who serves Pharasma

Bors Kaskyrbai (human), szerik (a union of the soul) of Roshad (human)

Octavia (Kingmaker video game) polyamorous, bisexual, half-elf woman. She's in a relationship with Regongar (Kingmaker video game), a polyamorous, bisexual, half-orc man. Both are options for romance in the video game.

Nyrissa (Kingmaker adventure path and video game), bisexual Nymph

Kanerah and Kalikke (Kingmaker video game) are possibly bisexual (According to a comment they can be in a polyamorous relationship with the main character at the same time. OP doesn't have the DLC so can't deny nor confirm)

Chioma (Age of Ashes - Cult of Cinders) Non-Binary Choral Angel

Phlegyas the psychopomp a trans, female psychopomp

Agents of Edgewatch spoilers (according to comment) Scathka, a nonbinary NPC can be met in AoE

Ayavah is a tiefling artist in Magnimar. She's the daughter of a succubus, and is intersex (presenting female)

Bella and Solveig, two women in Reign of Winter, who used to be in a relationship

Marislova (half-elf), a transgender woman who used to be in a relationship with another woman, Jadrenka (changeling). Both can be found in Reign of Winter

Sara Morninghawk (half-orc) and her wife, Argrit Staginsdar (dwarf). Can be found in the Giantslater adventure path

Lady Sophronia, a paladin/priestess of Serenrae who lived in Orision and appears in Mummy's Mask. She's described as having a shifting array of masculine and feminine qulities in the daily life, but adopts a priestess' raiments preforming holy duties to honor Sarenrae. (Commenter interpret it as her being genderfluid. According to the comment, the book uses she/her pronouns)

Jhasi, a bisexual elf, and Akosa, a gay elf. Age of Ashes.

Vourinoi elves, in Osirion's desert has a gender identity named kala-shei (translates to "the dance"). It's a gender identity outside the gender binary, that is fluid with what gender one is. (LO: Character Guide p. 25, gives an explanation I can't attempt to sum up in short).

Averneus, Vidrian's spymaster, is nonbinary.

Mumminofrah, bisexual and has had many ex-husbands and an ex-wife. Can be found in Mummy's Mask adventure path.

Medda Spiritbreaker a transwoman. Can be found in PFS 8-99: The Solstice Scar (parts A-D) .

Guaril Karela and Trade Prince Aaqir al'Hakam. Two leaders male of the Exchange who are married and has three adopted daughters.

Articles and such on it: contains up to date information needed to play and there are a myriad of online platforms that support Pathfinder 2e.

In addition Paizo the company that publishes Pathfinder 2e has recently unionized!

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  • silent_water [she/her]
    3 years ago

    holy shit the treatment of intersex people by the medical system is awful. I knew this already but just drove hours to another city to help a friend navigate the ER after her disastrous first attempt. that first ER refused to treat her horrifying pain and nausea except to give her the equivalent of ibuprofen, refused to do anything about the weird genital discharge she's getting, told her that all they can do is surgically remove her gonads EVEN THOUGH HER GONADS MAY NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH WHAT'S WRONG and tried to push her into agreeing, and told her to get a prescription for testosterone. oh and a nurse sexually harassed her.

    we took her to a second ER yesterday and they also refused to do anything but at least gave her a prescription for nausea meds but discharged her before she could fill them and told her that they couldn't fill them any longer cause she was discharged. they told her to see a gastroenterologist even though she's having discharge through her genitals - a urologist is way more likely to be able to help her but they have to make it clear that they absolutely do not give a shit. so my partner drove her all the way back to her place where we'd stashed some pain meds after my surgery and gave them to her (I couldn't go with and had to stay back at a hotel due to a migraine + needing to be up early to deal with the banks). until we did that she was at a 9/10 on the pain scale continuously, and the pain alone was driving her to vomit again and again.

    so they're driving back today and my mood is fully Death to America. part of this is the absolute disregard for intersex people as human beings by the medical system. but I can't deny that literally all medicine seems barely able to do much more than treat the symptoms of whatever is ailing you any more because we no longer have the resources for diagnostic medicine. covid and capitalism have destroyed the medical system in this country. those specialists she needs to see? it's gonna be multiple months before she gets an appointment because every doctor everywhere in the US is booked out through the end of the year. those excess deaths numbers? they're not all because people are contracting covid and dying - many of them are because we literally can't treat people with preventable conditions from dying because we just don't have the resources any longer.

    I'd say "god damn America" but I think that's history at this point