The trial exposed numerous instances where JOH, along with his predecessor President Porfirio Lobo and other politicians belonging to JOH’s National Party, took bribes from known drug traffickers in Honduras. This bribe money was then laundered and used to finance their electoral campaigns following the 2009 U.S-backed coup that overthrew democratically-elected President Manuel “Mel” Zelaya.

In return the two former presidents and their cohorts looked the other way as tons of cocaine made their way to the United States. Originating in Colombia, the cocaine traveled through Honduras, where it was processed, then to the U.S., often by way of Mexico. The trial revealed JOH’s connection to the Mexico-based Sinaloa drug cartel.

Thus the coup regime bears some culpability in the promulgation of cocaine, including crack cocaine, in U.S. urban and rural communities.

In addition, one of the witnesses against Hernandez testified that, “The woman who transported money for us from Honduras to Colombia was an official in the [Zionist] embassy.” (Al Jazeera, March 8)

This should not come as a shock, given the Zionist state’s long history of allying itself with brutal dictatorships, from the former Colombian government to the apartheid government in South Africa until the first free elections in 1994.

JOH is expected to appeal his conviction but is not likely to prevail.