I am referring to like...the kind actually meant for it.
Like this one I have seems like it's designed (or atleast marketed for) black men.
Although if you have used stuff for the body on your face and that's worked I'm open to that too.

Also does anyone know how long it takes facial fair to grow back after using something like that?
I'm only getting some of it when I use it so it seems like it will take multiple attempts.

  • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
    2 years ago

    Hey I bought that exact ipl a couple months ago and have used it every week and it definitely works

    You have to use it over a 12 week period, im on week 8 I think and it’s waaaay reduced the amount of hairs pretty much everywhere but my face. (Which it has reduced just not as much)

    The face is definitely stubborn but I had pretty thick facial hair so ymmv. My cheeks are pretty smooth at this point and the rest is patchy but still reads as relatively prominent facial hair. Hopefully in the next few weeks I’ll see it coming In line with the rest of my body hair

    It doesn’t really hurt at all except right on my jawline and sometimes behind the knee where it feels a bit like a pop from a rubber band, nothing unmanageable but not comfortable either.

    I haven’t noticed any detrimental effects to my skin condition but I also put on body and facial lotion and other skin care stuff every am and pm so that might help mitigate it

    • BolsheWitch [she/her, they/them]
      2 years ago

      omg seriously? That’s amazing, you’ve used it on your face as well? I was so nervous to do that, how often do you use it? I’ve heard once a week, but also once every 5 days.

      • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
        2 years ago

        oh yea ive used it on my face since the beginning, not shaving my face is the goal tbh lol.

        I do it once a week but sometimes ill push it to 6 days if its better for my schedule. that said i went on tour in the middle of this and that fucked me up a bit so i may be a week behind now i'm not sure.

        like i said the facial hair is the slowest to be effected in my experience, tho i also had a pretty full thick beard before starting the treatment so if your hair isn't as thick you might see results faster.

        haven't had any issues with my skin as far as i can tell from it. If you're nervous about it affecting your skin on your face id just try to make sure you hydrate and stuff.

        i started seeing a few hairs not growing back as soon as 2 or 3 weeks in.

        Edit; actual in the manual they talk about using it on your face and there’s a little smaller attachment for smaller areas that one of the recommended uses is for the face. So They seem to expect some people to use it for that I wouldn’t worry too much