Hopping in the thread late, but after reading the wiki the whole thing reminds me of Montaigne.
They would put themselves out of themselves, and escape from being men. It is folly; instead of transforming themselves into angels, they transform themselves into beasts; instead of elevating, they lay themselves lower. These transcendental humours affright me, like high and inaccessible places;
And a bit below
The pretty inscription wherewith the Athenians honoured the entry of Pompey into their city is conformable to my sense: “By so much thou art a god, as thou confessest thee a man.” ’Tis an absolute and, as it were, a divine perfection, for a man to know how loyally to enjoy his being
Gotta be willing to accept being in a body where the only constant is change (something TERFS can never accept, being essentialists).
Hopping in the thread late, but after reading the wiki the whole thing reminds me of Montaigne.
And a bit below
Gotta be willing to accept being in a body where the only constant is change (something TERFS can never accept, being essentialists).
Hermeticism, the OG mindfucker