Apparently he rented a luxury home in the rich neigborhood. Alleged to have trafficed over 40K catalytic converters.
No link, infosec.
Apparently he rented a luxury home in the rich neigborhood. Alleged to have trafficed over 40K catalytic converters.
No link, infosec.
Fuckers stole mine a couple months ago. That sucked and it was $250 to get fixed. And now my car pollutes more and is louder. I hate it.
These rings are very organized. How about you steal from rich people instead of from my $3,000 car?
i've seen videos of it, they are in and out within 60-90seconds. i've seen people spend hella money and time trying to weld a shield around it but the Sawsall just cut right through it all. At least it was only $250, i've seen some people (Priuses) cost a hell of a lot more to fix
Yeah for sure i saw that priuses are expensive and targeted due to their high amount of valuable materials in the converter. I just had a sketchy shop weld me on a straight pipe with no converter just so my car didn’t sound like a damn Harley Davison.