But people said the same thing about photography and painting 150 years ago!
This is entirely different from that. Landscaping had aesthetic value after photography because people were able to embellish and stylize landscapes in ways they didn't actually exist in real life. There is no way to "escape" from AI into more stylization. All it takes is enough of those new stylized images and it'll be able to replicate it. This is different from photography because photography can't learn.
But people want human expression!
Yes, they do, but they'll probably only realize this after a couple decades of art [almost] completely uninspired by the human condition and depression and anxiety skyrockets. In the short term, people will only care that they can type into a field and get what they want without any significant investment. Good luck finding an art job that isn't just making prompts in that economy (And if you say that making prompts is the same as being a painter or illustrator, yes it is art but no it isn't the same and fuck you).
I rest my case, art automation is cool but under capitalism it'll only be used to devalue artists further, and drive them deeper into poverty. It would be a great tool in a society capable of regulating itself but WE DON'T LIVE IN THAT SOCIETY AND I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO POINT THAT OUT.
Now that I got your attention with my inflammatory statements, please commission your artist comrades and support them in their struggle to exist in what is already a very punishing world to live in. I promise to give any of you that do big hugs, I love you all, and bye.
literally not.. they own their own means of Production...
They are workers because they sell their own labor power, sure they own their own means, but they (in most cases, afaik) do not exploit others nor seek rent, they survive solely on their own work. Or take an artist working for a company with company equipment, suddenly they do not own their own means anymore, just their labor power which they are then selling. Magically, the artist now fits in with the usual description of a worker.
In the second part of your writing you described a Contract worker..
An Artists for me is a One Man Company , it Sells his Talent and therefore is the Monopolist of his Talent. If he has a Boss of course he is a Worker but a classic "Artist " is pretty solid in the petit Bourgouise Class..
But one of the Bourgeoisie class exploits others, the classic artist doesn't. :jesse-wtf:
yeah .. so
he owns his means of Production.
he Sets the Price for his own Labour
he is in no Autority Structure
he is a Specialist whos labour is not easy to replace (until now)
he has no Contract or Wage
he is Petit Bourgoise
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they are Contract Workers .. DUDE .. What is that ? Are you even Trying .. ?
Artist are Petit Bourgoise
Like it or like it not..
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"The term is politico-economic and references historical materialism. It originally denoted a sub-stratum of the middle classes in the 18th and early-19th centuries. In the mid-19th century, the German economist Karl Marx and other Marxist theorists used the term petite bourgeoisie to identify the socio-economic stratum of the bourgeoisie that consists of small shopkeepers and self-employed artisans.[2][3][4] "
Are we done now ?
funny how this kind of dogmatism runs exactly counter to real material conditions. being a contract worker in 2022 means nothing more than not being eligible for healthcare, overtime, stock grants, etc
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he does not ...
maybe the Brush Factory Workers ?
but no he does not exploit . Thats your Singular Definition ?
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its one of the indicators yes.. not the Single Indikator for me
ownership of the means to procude and ownership of the Product is pretty important as well
Dude I got it now , I went into the Archievs and look what I found out
Apperently the Artist belongs to the special Class of
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i was not talking about brushes but of Talent..
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Yeah , .. but not everybody has a Market for his Talent..
An Artist that does not is therefore not an Artist. If Your Talent produces a Product that has Value in the Market.. How are you not the Master of your own Work ? your not a Worker your Petit Bourgouise ... Literally a Company ..
( One of the Best Companies , not gonna lie ) but your Not an Worker..
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(..) Dabei erfährt die Zugehörigkeit zur Bourgeoisie keine Beschränkung durch das Ausüben bestimmter Berufe oder die Verfügung über ein irgendwie geartetes Eigentum. Der Eintritt in die Bourgeoisie kann auch mittels eines Sprungbrettes oder aufgrund besonderer Strebsamkeit oder Talentiertheit erfolgen. Auch garantiert die Zugehörigkeit zur Klasse nicht den Verbleib in dieser. An dieser Stelle werden laut Wallerstein dann doch bestimmte Charaktereigenschaften für den Bourgeois maßgeblich, nämlich Cleverness, Härte und Fleiß. Denn das wichtigste Kriterium für den Klassenerhalt ist der Erfolg auf dem Markt.
What in the fuck do you think "from each according to his ability to each according to his means" means? What do you think "ability" means in that context? This is one of the worst understandings of Marx, art and the idea of labour I've ever seen. Like mind-bogglingly wrong in every possible way.
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