A bit of both. Modding a sub that's the admins aren't totally behind makes you paranoid about what you can leave up. Something like this, I can see it being really easy to just say "fuck it, it's not worth the risk"
Not an excuse btw. Like, I've been there, but I was also an insufferable nerd at the time
deleted by creator
Maybe Reddit rules are forcing their hand?
A bit of both. Modding a sub that's the admins aren't totally behind makes you paranoid about what you can leave up. Something like this, I can see it being really easy to just say "fuck it, it's not worth the risk"
Not an excuse btw. Like, I've been there, but I was also an insufferable nerd at the time
Oh, I totally agree. I was just thinking of an explanation behind the behaviour
Posting lib cringe while blinking out morse code for "LMAO STFU TERF"