Indica and sativa are not actually useful terms for describing weed, especially becasue everything is a hybrid, you can't get pure strains anymore. Terpine profile and reviews of the specific strain are a lot more useful, but only when it's actually the strain it claims. Basically I find most weed labeling unhelpful at best and actively misleading at worst. :vivian-shrug:
I mean, insofar as strains are just a certain combination of phenotypes for a certain combinations of genes, there's no such thing as a pure strain just like there's no such thing as a purebred dog I guess? But you can definitely get weed that's got mostly indica traits or mostly sativa traits, especially if you grow your own and get your seeds from a reputable breeder
oh hey it's almost like the dominant economic system encourages businesses to mislead their consumers with infinitely segmentable markets, creating the illusion of choice even though all the meaningful decisions are made by the people who own the businesses, or something
Indica and sativa are not actually useful terms for describing weed, especially becasue everything is a hybrid, you can't get pure strains anymore. Terpine profile and reviews of the specific strain are a lot more useful, but only when it's actually the strain it claims. Basically I find most weed labeling unhelpful at best and actively misleading at worst. :vivian-shrug:
I mean, insofar as strains are just a certain combination of phenotypes for a certain combinations of genes, there's no such thing as a pure strain just like there's no such thing as a purebred dog I guess? But you can definitely get weed that's got mostly indica traits or mostly sativa traits, especially if you grow your own and get your seeds from a reputable breeder
oh hey it's almost like the dominant economic system encourages businesses to mislead their consumers with infinitely segmentable markets, creating the illusion of choice even though all the meaningful decisions are made by the people who own the businesses, or something