Decades after the fall of the Soviet Union, the legacy of the Sino-Soviet split stands out sharply in the history of socialism and the Cold War as a major turning point, impacting conflicts all over the world and within the movement, the collapses of 89-91, and China's relationship with the West and embrace of foreign investment.

How do Marxists in China (inside and outside of the CPC) think of it? As justified, as a mistake, as well-intentioned but with bad consequences? What works of theory analyzes its causes, effects? And in light of China's reform and opening up, how is "revisionism", in general and as an ideological rebuke of liberalization in the post-Stalin era in particular, understood?

Any and all answers appreciated, let me know if another comm is better suited for this post.

  • glimmer_twin [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Capitalism overseen by a well-entrenched socialist party clearly can be good for people generally. That fact doesn’t change the definitions of capitalism and socialism though. Words mean things.

    • RedDawn [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Capitalism is not and cannot be good for people generally, it can only benefit a small percentage of people at best, by brutally exploiting the rest. The illusion of capitalism benefiting people generally in the imperial core is built on the rape and pillage of the imperial periphery, not the case for China where Socialism with Chinese Characteristics has benefitted the masses without resorting to imperialism. China is a socialist country because the masses successfully took state power and direct the economy and society via the Communist party, which explains why their economy and society actually work for the benefit of the masses. Your initial assertion is that China is not Marxist, yet you haven't made a single convincing argument for that notion. Retaining some elements or degree of the capitalist mode of production under a dictatorship of the proletariat is not inconsistent with Marxism, Mr "Words mean things".

      • glimmer_twin [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Your initial assertion is that China is not Marxist, yet you haven’t made a single convincing argument for that notion.

        As far as I’m concerned the people who rule China are dengist, ipso facto they are revisionists and not marxists. As far as you’re concerned they are staunch Marxist-Leninists upholding everything good about socialism.

        Clearly we’re never going to agree and there’s not much point going back and forth, we’ll just have to sit and wait for communism by 2050.

        • RedDawn [he/him]
          2 years ago

          "Communism by 2050" is not even a thing so idk what you're talking about. There's no way to expect any country to achieve communism by then given the power still wielded by the empire of capital today.

            • RedDawn [he/him]
              2 years ago

              Communism, a stateless, moneyless and classless society could not possibly be achieved by 2050. Maybe if the Russian revolution had spread to Europe and from there to the rest of the world we could be close by then. What China seeks to be by 2050 is a modern prosperous socialist society and I have no reason to doubt they will achieve that as they have generally achieved all that they have set out to do (like eradication of absolute poverty by 2020 for example). There's little reason to doubt a communist party that has consistently done right by their people and met their stated goals when they state their goal to be a prosperous modern socialist society by 2050. What that really means to me is that before 2050 they will be in a position to begin doing away with private property relations and no outside actors (eg the US) will be able to do anything about it. Until then the state will continue to control the commanding heights of the economy as they do now and have since the revolution.