
Windows fanbois are the idiots, not regular Windows users

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    2 years ago

    Nah, most people don't care about what OS they're using to have their feathers ruffled by a silly meme and are better served with a tablet OS like iOS anyways.

    The meme is targeting Windows fanboys (ie g!mers) and their dumbass rationalizations over why Windows is totally not as complicated to use as Linux. When you're fiddling around with regedit to get your Skyrim with 30+ mods to run or running a bunch of batch files to debloat Windows, you really lost all right to say Linux is so complicated relative to Windows. I'm sorry, the shit Windows users have to go through to uninstall ads is infinitely more complicated than "that doesn't exist in Linux" lol

    If Windows users really cared that much about having an OS that's neither janky nor overly complicated, they would just drop Windows and use a Mac. And don't mistaken this for me being an "OS chauvinist" as there's actually a deep rabbit hole in the world of hidden macOS settings that offers a greater degree of control and customization than what most people think a macOS is capable of. I honestly think OOTB macOS is more customizable than OOTB Windows although I have to play around with it some more. Slap on Homebrew to get a package manager going and your macOS is already beginning to resemble Linux. Just setting up a functional Hackintosh is an impressive feat in its own right, a far cry from babies who don't know what adblock is.

    The real OS chauvinist has always being the Windows fanboys. They snobbishly look down on Mac users as babies who suck at computers, never mind that macOS is a POSIX with a higher learning ceiling than Windows, but when it comes to Linux users, suddenly it's "wah, Linux is too hard, wah, you have to always use the terminal." Extremely convenient how non-Windows users are either babies who suck at computers or neckbeards who are out of touch with average users, totally not a form of OS chauvinism in its own right.

    And this OS chauvinism is almost completely driven by g!mers. How do I know this? What's the number one argument against Linux? It can't run Microsoft Office, it can't run Photoshop, and so forth. But Windows doesn't have a monopoly on Microsoft Office or Photoshop since Mac versions exist for them as well, and from the Mac users I know, they prefer the Mac version over the Windows version. Sure, it's an argument to not use Linux, but the framing of the argument is actually "here's why you should use Windows instead of Linux," which is a silly argument with Mac versions of those programs. The only reason to use Windows instead of Linux or macOS is purely videogames, which means the loudest Windows shills are of course going to be g!mers.

    And as a final note, Linux users by and large do not give a shit about Mac users and are fairly chill with them. Because at the end of the day, macOS is just proprietary BSD. It comes with bash and most commands that work in Linux works in macOS as well. In general, "if it works in Linux, it would work in macOS" is true more times than not from my experience even if the actual steps are slightly different. Spotlight is absolutely magnificent, better than every single Linux equivalent (although KDE's search comes close) and certainly better than Windows' garbage search.

    tl;dr: "The revolution will not be secured until g!mers have been thoroughly liquidated as a reactionary class." - Mao Zedong