I thought I'll make this thread for all of you out there who have questions but are afraid to ask them. This is your chance!

I'll try my best to answer any questions here, but I hope others in the community will contribute too!

  • blakeus12 [he/him]
    5 months ago

    what is hyprland

    why do ppl use the CLI for things like making and moving files? i find the GUI easier and faster as well as less prone to mistakes

    what is wayland and xorg, and why does everyone argue about them

    • hello_hello [they/them, comrade/them]
      5 months ago


      A wayland compositor and tiling window manager. The lead developer of the project is a Polish transphobic workaholic.

      why do ppl use the CLI for things like making and moving files? i find the GUI easier and faster as well as less prone to mistakes

      If you understand how shell scripting works you can easily automate menial tasks. CLI is also an interface shared by all operating systems so if you know how to work around in a shell you're not bound to any particular workflow/desktop GUI. Keep using GUIs though, they exist for a reason.

      what is wayland and xorg, and why does everyone argue about them

      Both are display protocols that are in charge of displaying graphics to your screen. Xorg is over 30 years old while wayland is only about 15 years old. The polemic about xorg was that the codebase was unmanageable and the design architecture of the program was inherently flawed (example: screenlocker getting access to your entire screen including apps and desktop, making writing malware for x11 a 3 line python script). X11 was designed during a time when people were using actual real life terminals and mainframes. Wayland is much more modern and akin to how modern graphics APIs are handled (for the most part)

      Wayland at its core has and always will be design by committee so a lot of the arguing is necessary (though sometimes long-winded) to make sure to not repeat xorg's mistakes. Protocols take months if not years to be merged into wayland and those protocols have to be implemented by wayland compositors themselves rather than sharing 1 program altogether like with xorg.

      Watch this video for more information, explains it much better and is from an actual wayland board member.

      Why YOU should write a Wayland compositor – Victoria Brekenfeld – HiP22 Berlin

    • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
      5 months ago

      it's faster for me to type out cp -r source/directory destination/directory than it is to open a file manager, navigate to my source, ctrl-a ctrl-c navigate to my destination, ctrl-v. this is not always true. look at the work done by the plan9 people to learn more

      idk what hyprland is specifically, but it's either a window manager or compositor or something for use with wayland.

      wayland and xorg are ways to do graphical user interfaces in unix systems. wayland is supposed to fix problems that have long been solved or worked around in xorg. it's new and doesn't workor support everything. xorg is old and has problems but it works very well.

    • Cyclohexane@lemmy.ml
      5 months ago

      Xorg is a display server for Linux ecosystem. Every ecosystem has a display server. It is what makes it possible for you to have graphical applications with movable windows that can talk to each other, or have a mouse cursor that can click on things.

      Wayland is a replacement for Xorg because Xorg is old and its developers said an alternative is needed. Wayland has differences that I won't discuss here, but I'll be happy to do so if you ask.

      Hyprland is a wayland compositor. A compositor is basically an implementation of wayland (there are many) and gives you a windowing system that you can run graphical applications through. It is usually a lot more minimal than having a full graphical desktop like KDE or Gnome.

      Hyprland belongs to a class of comositors called "tiling", which forces windows to be in a tiling formation. In other words, windows do not overlap or stack on top of each other. Hyprland stands out in having a lot of eye candy and visual effects.

      I use CLI for moving files, etc. After you use it for a while, you find out it can be more efficient, faster, and more pleasant to work with.