Was watching :live-tucker-reaction: in the gym (They're enlightened centrists who play both chud and lib news on the tvs) and he's constantly doing this clearly fake-ass laughing and smiling to show how "above it all" he is, when everyone knows he's a pretty humorless prick irl.

It's the same reason chud Youtubers will almost always have themselves in the thumbnail laughing or with glowing red eyes or some shit: Because to them, caring about something enough to be "mad" or "upset" about it is the ultimate show of weakness. So to desperately convince everyone how not-mad they are, they overcompensate by forcing laughs and smiles when it's fairly obvious that's not how they're actually feeling.

I would honestly respect these guys more if they just went full :frothingfash: 24/7 instead of the transparent disingenuous smugness.

  • Bungola [any]
    2 years ago

    I'm reminded of the fake laughs and "kindly expressions" coming from the right wing street gangs in the northwest during trump era (and after) protests. They come out as pro / counter protestors depending on the event. They come ready to fight but the banter that happens they act very smug and superior and well informed. But actually its typical, tired, predictable rhetoric trying to rile, taunt, and misdirect their opposition or just pass the time until they start clubbing and macing people. I wouldn't call it "crying wokack" because those people seem to enjoy street brawling and the spectacle of it all. The fake smugness is them trying to mask nervousness and excitement they feel.