On stormfront you’ll read in massive subs such as r/soccer that Paris has a pocket of safety surrounded by pure crime. They’ll say shit like, “I went to Vienna and Budapest and not once did I feel unsafe”
You ‘felt’ unsafe? Are you just shitting your pants everytime you encounter an Arab or someone with slightly more melanin content? Like, almost every city I’ve ever been to where people say it’s unsafe is just a place with more minorities and I’ve never once felt unsafe.
Edit: check out this thread
This is similar to the american conservative beliefs about europe being overrun with muslim immigrants and all the major cities having huge "no go zones" where the police won't go because the violent muslims enforce their own sharia law or something
I only know one guy who thinks like that personally, in the rare instances that it gets brought up i always point out that he works with people from europe, do they agree that there is sharia law there? never get a direct answer to that but it makes him think. oh, and i always explain the concept of 'no go zone' being more like a difference between american policing and european policing, where american cops would go be the biggest oppressive assholes they possibly could in an area where the locals dislike them, and european cops have perhaps slightly more sense about not needlessly antagonizing a populace that doesn't trust them. *Edit and I guess that euro cops aren't decked out like gi joe and given the explicit state backing to just start blasting any time they get upset
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not even a little bit I once knew some cops who would brag about waking up early to prevent people in minority areas from being able to sleep by making loud noises