Bolsonaro supporters have been blocking major roads in Brazil in an attempt to fuel a coup attempt by the Brazilian military. Obviously the police forces aren't that willing to break up these blockades since they are fash themselves and think the protests are just. If the military is called upon, the same will happen. Fascists are getting emboldened and fascists in State institutions especially so, as they disobey orders while facing very little repercussions. Yet, the Worker's Party is blocking any attempt of a united leftist front mobilizing their political militancy to break up these blockades and face the fascists head on in the streets. This is probably the best opportunity to deal a mighty blow to Brazilian fascists and they are blowing it with republicanism and conciliation.

  • AvgMarighellaEnjoyer [he/him,any]
    2 年前

    They have had plenty of socdem blunders since 2014, but I'll limit myself to 2020 onwards. Last year a united leftist front organized protests against Bolsonaro's government, his mishandling of the pandemic and the increase in hunger among the brazilian people. The Worker's Party and a few other reformist parties tried to boycott the protests, when it became obvious that wasn't feasible, some tried to call off their members from going to the protests the day before, attempting to weaken them. The protests ended up being a massive success, they were being scheduled every few weeks and Bolsonaro's approval rate was melting off. After a certain decline in his approval, the reformist parties decided not to rock the boat too much and consciously avoided pressuring congress to go ahead with an impeachment process. They stopped participating in the protests. It is worth mentioning that at this point there were talks of organizing strikes to further undermine Bolsonaro and that the biggest unions in the country are aligned with the Worker's Party. They wanted Bolsonaro in the presidency with a weaker government so that Lula would get what they thought would be an easy dub come this october. I don't even have to explain what a fucking dogshit approach this was. They let up on Bolsonaro to double down on electoral politics when they could've dealt Brazilian fascism an absolutely massive blow.

    Now, they double down yet again on bourgeois institutions against fascism, when historically that has never played out in the working class' favor. It is also important to note that in 2016 Dilma Rousseff, president of Brazil and member of the Worker's Party, was couped through a sham impeachment process. After thar PT members started being persecuted for corruption, notably ending in the wrongful arrest and imprisonment of Lula. So after years of being failed by bourgeois institutions the party leadership still refuses to be the masters of their own destinies. They have the apparatus of the biggest party in Brazil (and probably LatAm) at their disposal, yet their petit-bourgeois sensibilities stop them from doing so. Their (lack of) decision making is not only shameful and pathetic, it is borderline irrational.