top image: 2020 vote :jokerfication:
bottom image 2022 vote :jokerfied:
wasn't sure whether to put in doomer or dunk tank. yearly symbolic vote. USUALLY only Ukraine/USA vote no and Europe "merely" abstains.
top image: 2020 vote :jokerfication:
bottom image 2022 vote :jokerfied:
wasn't sure whether to put in doomer or dunk tank. yearly symbolic vote. USUALLY only Ukraine/USA vote no and Europe "merely" abstains.
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they do that every year
everyone is admitting they were fascist all along to own the russians. Expect new york times think pieces in a year about how amerikkka should have sided with the nazis :agony-deep:
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:xi-plz: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: