fuckin state lurched to the right because of our worthless democratic party but how did it go this bad?

  • SmokingFish [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Before he was revealed to be a sex predator, Andrew Cuomo appointed a bunch of his friends to New York state supreme court positions.

    These same judges were his friends and loyal to him, but were also die hard conservatives. With Cuomo out of power, however, they defaulted to advancing Republican interests.

    NY just had redistricting from the census. Those judges and some of Cuomo’s other spaghetti brained pasta bois carved up the state to be more red (they needa the bolognese sauce)

    Combine this with Eric Adams attacking his own party nonstop because he’s a craven opportunistic pig and the end result is a bunch of state and federal positions going red this election.

    The dems seriously got bored wiped in NY, they lost a ton of both state and federal level seats. This includes the head of the DCCC lol. The dems literally lost the US House of Representatives because of Andrew “Big Pedo” Cuomo.

    • SmokingFish [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      That redistricting also only happens once a decade or whatever. NY is going to have to deal with 10 years of Republican gerrymandering and all of the reactionary bullshit that involves.

      The gabba ghoul just kept on trying to fuck everyone he could. No wonder Andrew Cuomo can’t go within 500 feet of a school now.

      • MC_Kublai [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        Still mad my :gabaghoul: emote never got added (it was Cuomo but his skin is gabagool :AyyyyyOC-big: )

    • grey_wolf_whenever [he/him]
      2 years ago

      jesus fucking christ. All that plus Sean Patrick Maloney kicking Mondaire Jones out of his seat.

      • SmokingFish [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        Yeah. It’s really bad. The dems were not paying attention and got absolutely ratfucked by Cuomo.


    • alcoholicorn [comrade/them, doe/deer]
      2 years ago

      I have a really strong sense of deja vous.

      Didn't this happen like a decade ago, after Cuomo donated a bunch of money to or campaigned for republicans or something?