• Theblarglereflargle [any]
    2 年前

    Because the ruling class learned from the Civil Rights movement. After the complete PR nightmare that was the world seeing unarmed black protestors being beaten by white police The American system began to specifically set itself up in such a way that a single blemish can ruin your entire prospects or life. While also working to demonize protestors so that a both sides argument can come out that cripples support.

    Case in point: Back in 2018 March for our lives was at full steam. With a lot of traction and huge turnout and support amongst students of all ages and most of the country. Entire senior classes walked out of schools. The result? High schools started giving them suspensions and ruining their records. Damaging their chances to get into college.

    At the same time fox posted a story about a kid who was supposedly punished for not going to a protest (he refused to follow instructions and go to study hall with other students not participating) which had the intended result of demonizing the protestors and giving credence to the “media and academia controlled by loony leftists” BS