I've really started to hate it when women like what I like. What can I do to change this?

  • usa_suxxx [they/them]
    2 years ago

    To cover some quick topics that I felt were bad advice:

    • I highly advise not seeing sex workers until you deal with your potentially growing incel tendencies. While it is extremely difficult to be a caring, emotionally developed man, that is entirely different from potentially radicalizing int he incel direction.
    • Do not go down the anti Porn trail, which from what I remember, is highly laden in right wing paths to inceldom. Porn doesn't make you an incel. Anyone telling you porn makes you an incel is doing bad by you. Porn can be a symptom of other dysfunctions, but it is simply a symptom.

    It is really hard to come up with advise without knowing much about you. Whatever is feeding this turn is coming from inside the house, in my opinion, and probably has external factors. If you can seek therapy. Journal. Read things like The Will to Change by bell hooks and Beyond Pink and Blue by Leslie Feinberg. Take time out or your week to think about yourself and any pain you have had in your life. Try to deal with it. Connect with your emotions.

    If you're sexually attracted to women, have high standards for the men involved in your life. Straight dudes are some of the worst people around. You might not be aware but the straight up misogyny shit that straight dudes like to put out when women are not around, can and will feed into your brain. Challenge them and don't let them spew that in your presence and if they can't respect that, cut people out of your life. Make friends with women and only keep male friends that respect them and do not make them feel uncomfortable.

    Finally, since you are attracted to women, you need to create a life that is emotionally fulfilling even if you were never to enter a relationship. I hope that you are able to handle this and you experience a fulfilling relationship but that is not the extent of life and if it were never to happen, you can still have an enjoyable and fulfilling life. Romantic relationships are not the sole reason for living. A romantic relationship does not define you.

    Edit: fixed capitalization in bell hooks name. I wasn't aware.

      • Phish [he/him, any]
        2 years ago

        Yeah this is correct. Porn can absolutely be destructive in some people's lives, cause ED, etc. Everything in moderation is the key, but if you're unable to moderate porn consumption it's best to avoid it.

        But you absolutely don't want to get involved with the nofap/semen retention freaks. They're a cult-level group that absolutely trend towards hating women and blaming them for their problems.

          • Phish [he/him, any]
            2 years ago

            Sure that's probably fair. I think the effect it has on people varies quite a bit depending on certain factors though.