So basically my brother is 12, and in the past few months he’s gone down this terminally online political rabbithole. He started by being a regular communist, then an anarchist, than a social democrat. All of that is fine, he went from being a radical who loved the red army, the T-34, to someone who is against protracted peoples war and a reformist who says VOTE, and a tech-bro who hates trains. That is all fine with me. Until a few weeks ago, out of nowhere he became a Progressive Democrat/lib. It started when he started defending the Democratic Party. He denies everything the CIA does and whenever I try to criticize the US from him he talked about this one video (probably by Vaush or some libertarian youtuber like that) and stated some bs poll that said only 28% of millennials while Bernie's popularity was rising had a favorable view of socialism. Then it got even worse, he started saying shit like MK Ultra is fake, russian propaganda is brainwashing you about ukraine, America and Biden is good, George Washington is a great leder, standing rock protestors deserved it, and America is a great country. I’m really starting to get sick of the shit, he’s been repeating that the only reason America kills its own people is because its afraid China will force lockdowns on them (I know, it makes no fucking sense). Do you guys think he will grow out of this phase or grow up to be a no life neoliberal and moderator of you know what sub.