yeah I said it and I'm tired of hearing the Federation adopted a moneyless society because they can simply replicate anything they need.

Humanity didn't eliminate widespread poverty because of replicators, because they already did that before replicators were used on Earth. In fact, Earth had already been united before any human had ever seen a replicator.

Case in point:

ENT, Episode 2x04, "Dead Stop" - Takes place in April of 2152 (important). The NX-01 Enterprise and her crew encounter an automated ship repair station. One room has a food replicator, which the Enterprise crew is unfamiliar with. Commander Tucker tells it to make pan fried catfish. It does, but Captain Archer is uneasy and says he'll stick with chefs. Vulcan science officer T'Pol has seen replicators before on Tarkalean ships, but she regards them as a rare novelty.

TNG, Episode 7x08, "Attached" - Takes place in 2370. This episode begins with Dr. Crusher and Captain Picard eating breakfast in his quarters because they're both very adorable. The two are discussing a recent application to the Federation, a planet which doesn't have a fully unified world government. Three-quarters of the planet wishes to join, but the remainder are xenophobic. Dr. Crusher asks the rhetorical question of what might have happened if Australia hadn't joined United Earth in 2150

Earth had already eliminated poverty, eliminated war, and unified under a world government 2 years before any human had seen a replicator and 150 years before replicators were regularly used on starships.

I win

  • D61 [any]
    2 years ago