The sheer level of medical malpractice in America horrifies me. What the fuck kind of asshole doctor do you have to be to immediately assume a patient in distress is a criminal and go Cop Mode on them :doomer:

    • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Depends on the unit. Where I have worked they'd be perfectly content to run the tests but of those diagnoses I recognized none of them would be observable at below a specialist level. Which means at our low level is on the honor system if she has them or not. It is entirely possible for a person to have every single untraceable nonspecific pain condition at the same time. It is not likely. It is highly convenient. So we have to weigh how much we like DEA paperwork vs the risk of her ODing.

      In general we have a very poor syatem for pain management and it sucks. It is soul crushing to work those cases where you know you aren't going to be ablw to help. Me personally I feel like we should just give people pills that ask. I get why that is a bad idea though. And for her it probably isn't helpful. However I don't think that our system the way it is will likely offer her meaningful treatment for her situation. So that sucks. Those kinda cases are the ones I know I problem drink over after work.

    • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
      2 years ago

      To the first point though, I don't belive he would get better care. More care for sure, absolutelyyou are correct. However there is just a hard limit to the extent of what we can figure out given the goals and methods of our system. Past a point it is just doctor's bravado, so if you pay enough a doctor will give you a diagnosis. He just might have made it up though.