if I was immunocompromised I would simply swoosh the virus away

  • macabrett
    2 years ago

    There's nothing to disagree with. You "thinking" it provides a meaningful amount of safety is not the same as it providing a meaningful amount of safety. It's a thing that you should do if possible in situations where you can't do better, but it won't "keep covid away" and if it's nice enough that the windows are open, you could be safer outside.

      • macabrett
        2 years ago

        According to the EPA, you shouldn't make these decisions yourself and should hire an HVAC professional to determine the best way to ventilate a space in order for it to be safe

        In general, increasing ventilation and filtration is usually appropriate; however, due to the complexity and diversity of building types, sizes, construction styles, HVAC system components, and other building features, a professional should interpret ASHRAE guidelines for their specific building and circumstances.


          • macabrett
            2 years ago

            This is a post about a comic made by WHO where three people are clearly eating at a restaurant and it's okay the "keep the party going" because they have kept "covid away" by opening windows. You are equivocating two things that are entirely different.

    • Nagarjuna [he/him]
      2 years ago

      You're thinking about it in terms of what will keep me safe.

      But that's not what the designers of this comic are asking. They're asking "what simple, reproducible practice will reduce viral spread throughout the whole population."

      People are more likely to open a window than move gatherings outside. So it's a better intervention.

      It's like how narcan administration gets taught. Technically, intravenous admin is more effective, but intramuscular also works and is much easier. Because of this, narcan trainers usually teach intramuscular injection. It's the same principle.

      • macabrett
        2 years ago

        I'm saying that this will not reduce viral spread throughout the whole population. If there's a crowd of people staying in one building for long periods of time, an open window will not mitigate the spread of covid. That makes this a dangerous comic to share, because it is convincing people of safety in a situation where safety does not exist.