Genuinely curious. I keep thinking “it can’t get much worse without some kind of mass uprising” but the ability of the general population of Western states to just soak up suffering seems endless. Do you think we will actually see mass movements in the next decade or two? Or just slowly lurch into a void of ever-shittier liberalism?

By the West I mean like. Western Europe and the Anglosphere I guess.

  • AcidLeaves [he/him, he/him]
    9 months ago

    The masses still need to be educated to the extent that they will actually follow and trust and dedicate themselves to the vanguard party leading the revolution

    Y'all make it sound sooooo easy haha

    • CindyTheSkull [she/her, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      No one is making anything "sound easy," we're just pointing out the fact that education is not and never has been a prerequisite for revolution. It's ignorant, ahistortical, and bordering on chauvinism to say that's the reason "all the poor countries" haven't had revolutions. It's ridiculous on it's face when you actually look at history and see that almost all successful revolutions that became AES countries did so with the support and participation of their largely uneducated populous. Or no, I guess the masses of peasantry in rural China all went to uni otherwise the Chinese revolution could never have happened. 🙄

      • AcidLeaves [he/him, he/him]
        9 months ago

        I don't mean education like a bachelor' degree. I mean just basic knowledge that socialism is good and you should follow these people who are leading the revolution

    • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Not sure what your point is.

      Vietnam developed a revolutionary and educated mass during occupation, achieved victory and independence, and still failed to achieve socialism despite attempting it because we live in a globalized economy and they had to choose between theoretical purity and letting the demons back in so people don’t starve to death after already facing massive deaths from war. It doesn’t matter how educated you are when the world is designed to strangle you.