
  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    Like the conflict isn’t going to rumble on for another three or four

    laughs in Afghani Insurgent

    You fucking wish it'll be over in four years. I've got my money on somewhere closer to forty.

    Because sure as shit those Azov motherfuckers aren’t going to go back into the fold with all that military hardware kicking about.

    I mean, there's a conceivable world in which Ukraine becomes another tin-pot military dictatorship, a la Panama or Zimbabwe or Israel. Azov gets folded into whatever personality cult governs the country for the next generation. The army just drives around in humvees doing some fascist mix of state security and highway robbery to whatever residents can't escape. And those residents eventually spill into the long-running guerrilla insurgency that justifies the ultra-authoritarian dictatorship.

    But the idea that you're going to do anything productive with the vacant real estate under these social conditions is absolutely delusional.