The oligarchs couldn't give a shit since they're immune to paying taxes. Is it just pandering to the libertarians lol?

I mean I'm all for it, at least in the States not in general, not that it'll pass. I guess it puts the Democrats in the hilarious situation of having to defend an institution that 99% of the time only attacks people barely scraping by again. That won't look out of touch at all.

Mix that with the earlier threats of the IRS coming after people making like 600 dollars a year online, you have a really good platform to attack the Dems on.

  • regul [any]
    2 years ago

    It caters to reducing the effectiveness and scope of the federal government by reducing revenue.

    But before you break out the party hats, just know that the budget cuts will never hit the agencies you hate the most. They'll cut stuff like national parks or public education funding before they touch the alphabet soup boys.